Severini, Gino
Gino Severini (Cortona 1883 – Paris
1966) was a painter, mosaicist, and art critic. Born in Cortona, he moved to
Rome as a teenager, where he was introduced to neo-impressionist (divisionist)
painting by Giacomo Balla. Severini moved to Paris in 1906, where he connected
with artists like Pablo Picasso and Juan Gris and engaged with the Cubist
movement. Soon after, he became a signatory of Filippo Tommaso Marinetti’s
Futurist Manifesto (1909). Severini played a key role in linking French and
Italian art scenes, merging Cubist and Futurist elements (sometimes referred to
as cubofuturismo). After the First World War, his work shifted towards a
more neoclassical style, echoing Europe’s broader ‘call to order’ movements. He
articulated this shift in his treatise Du cubisme au classicisme
(Severini 1921). His departure from Marinetti’s Futurism marked a shift away
from the radical revolutionary politics of Fascism, as Severini embraced
conservative Catholicism and sought to integrate religion with modernism
through a more defined classicism, influenced by his friendship with French
Catholic philosopher Jacques Maritain (Jones 2009: 61–62, 65; Radin 2011). His
connection to Mussolini’s regime appears to have been unstable, and he
expressed criticism of the corporative system’s impact on the arts sector (De
Marco 2011: 60). Nonetheless, Severini remained involved in several politically
significant projects, including the Palazzo di Giustizia in Milan, the Foro
Mussolini and the Palazzo degli Uffici of E42 in Rome, and the Palazzo delle
Poste in Alessandria. Although the use of Latin was not a prominent feature in
Severini’s work, Severini probably selected the Latin inscription for the
mosaic he crafted for the square in front of Palazzo degli Uffici (Nastasi
2019: 633–35). He exhibited at major art shows such as the Biennale in Rome in
1923, the Novecento shows in Milan and Geneva in 1926–1929, the Venice Biennale
in 1930, and the Quadriennale in Rome, where he won the Grand Prize in 1935; he
was elected a corresponding member of the Accademia delle Arti del Disegno in
1938. After the Second World War, he revisited Futurist motifs with a
contemporary abstract approach. He spent his later years living between Paris
and Italy.
Selected works
Severini, Gino. 1921. Du cubisme au classicisme (esthétique
du compas et du nombre). Paris: Povolozky.
———. 1946. Tutta la vita di un pittore. Milan:
A. Garzanti.
———. 1996. The Life of a Painter: The Autobiography of Gino Severini. Translated by Jennifer Franchina. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
Secondary literature
De Marco, Gabriella. 2011. ‘Biografia di Gino
Severini’. In: Fondo Severini. Inventario, edited by Gabriella De Marco
and Paola Pettenella, 23–95. Inventari / MaRT 6. Rovereto: Mart.
Fonti, Daniela. 1988. Gino Severini: catalogo
ragionato. Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori.
Jones, Zoë Marie. 2009. ‘Spiritual Crisis and the “Call
to Order”: The Early Aesthetic Writings of Gino Severini and Jacques Maritain’.
Word & Image 26 (1): 59–67.
Nastasi, Antonino. 2019. Le iscrizioni in latino di
Roma Capitale (1870–2018). Rome: Edizioni Quasar.
Radin, Giulia, ed. 2011. Il carteggio Gino
Severini-Jacques Maritain, 1923–1966. Documenti del MART. Florence: L.S.
Venturi, Lionello, and Gino Severini. 1961. Gino
Severini. Rome: DeLuca Editore.
Han Lamers