How to cite FLT?
To cite Fascist Latin Texts, we recommend the following bibliographic format, which you may need to adapt to meet the style requirements of the publication for which you are writing.
If you would like to cite a Latin text or its original Italian translation according to its edition on this site, please add a reference to Han Lamers and Bettina Reitz-Joosse (eds.), Fascist Latin Texts, URL xxx (last accessed xx-xx-xxxx) to the citation.
Giammaria, Francesco (1933), ‘Capitolium novum’. In: Han Lamers and Bettina Reitz-Joosse (eds.), Fascist Latin Texts, URL (last accessed on 23-02-2021).
If you would like to cite an FLT author biography or introduction to a Latin text, please always credit its author.
de Boer, Hylke. ‘Giammaria, Francesco’. In: Han Lamers and Bettina Reitz-Joosse (eds.), Fascist Latin Texts, URL (last accessed 23-02-2021).
de Boer, Hylke. ‘Introduction: Capitolium novum’. In: Han Lamers and Bettina Reitz-Joosse (eds.), Fascist Latin Texts, URL (last accessed 23-02-2021).