Brignoli, Fernando Maria


Fernando Maria Brignoli (1901–1970) was a teacher and poet working in Rome. He obtained a degree in Law in 1922; some years later, he moreover graduated in Lettere from the Regia Università di Roma with a thesis on the composition of Vergil’s Aeneid (Brignoli 1928; Carbonetto 1993: 911). Brignoli also was an active member of the Confederation of Professionals and Artists (Confederazione Fascista dei professionisti e degli artisti), a trade union corporation for professionals and artists. He represented teachers in the Confederation (Sindacato 1937: 144). In 1939, he became member of the Chamber of Fasces and Corporations (Camera dei fasci e delle corporazioni), which replaced the Chamber of Deputies. As a Latin poet, he earned success mainly after the ventennio fascista, especially at the Certamen Hoeufftianum between 1957 and 1970 (Sacré 2020: 17; IJsewijn 1961: 169). In addition to his Lictorium. Carmen (Brignoli 1938), Brignoli authored a preface to Giuseppe Micheli’s Mussolini (Micheli 1930). He also composed Italian poems, most notably Ombra, a collection of sonnets (Brignoli 1942). In addition to his literary work, he wrote essays on Latin literature and published an Italian translation of Ennius’ Annales (Brignoli 1937 and Brignoli [1937]). More research on his life and work is needed.



Latin texts

Brignoli, Fernando Maria. 1938. Lictorium carmen. Rome: In Aedibus P. Maglione succ. H. Loescher / Typis A. Ambrosini.


Other work (selection)

Brignoli, Fernando Maria. 1928. ‘Sulla composizione dell’Eneide: dissertazione di laurea’. Rome: Facoltà di Lettere della Regia Università di Roma. Typescript, preserved in the Biblioteca universitaria Alessandrina, Rome (F.LET TESI.1928 15).

———.1937. Gli annali d’Ennio; illustrati, tradotti e ricostruiti Fernando Maria Brignoli. Rome: Ausonia.

———. [1937]. Quaestiones ennianae. Rome: P. Maglione.

———. 1942. Ombra: poema d’amore. [Milan]: Istituto editoriale cisalpino.

Micheli, Giuseppe. 1930. Mussolini: versi romaneschi [...] con prefazione di Fernando Maria Brignoli. Rome: Ausonia.


Secondary sources

Carbonetto, Arturo. 1993. La poesia latina da Dante al Novecento. Scandicci: La Nuova Italia.


IJsewijn, Jozef. 1961. ‘Conspectus poetarum Latinorum saeculi vicesimi’. Euphrosyne 3: 149–190.


Sacré, Dirk. 2020. ‘Die neulateinische Literatur in Mussolinis Italien’. In Studies in the Latin Literature and Epigraphy of Italian Fascism, edited by Han Lamers, Bettina Reitz-Joosse, and Valerio Sanzotta, 13–50. Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia 46. Leuven: Leuven University Press.


Sindacato Nazionale Fascista dei Giornalisti. 1937. Annuario della stampa italiana. Bologna: Nicola Zanichelli.


Han Lamers
