What do you want to search for?
You can enter the word or phrase you want to search for in the search field.
By default, FLT will search the entire webpage.

Where do you want to search?
If you select “Search text corpus”, you search all Latin texts and, where available, their original Italian translations (including original footnotes).
If you select “Search entire site”, your search will cover the text corpus of FLT and in addition original introductions, title- and dedication pages, as well as FLT- introductions to both authors and texts.
You can further narrow your search by either selecting a specific author or a specific work.

How do you want to search?
The default search mode of FLT is to search for a word or phrase exactly as it is inserted in the search field.
If you select “Disregard word boundaries”, word boundaries will not be taken into account in your search. For example, if you search for duc with this option checked, your hits will include duce, ducis and perduci.
If you select “Proximity search”, you will search for the co-occurrence of your search terms within a sentence or a paragraph.
Searches can also be combined. For example: If you select both “Disregard word boundaries” and “Proximity search”, you will search for the co-occurrence of all word forms, while word boundaries are disregarded.

Advanced searches
Some searches can also be defined further directly in the search field by using regular expression syntax. Relevant search options include the following:
- A period (.) can be used as a wildcard that matches any single character. For example: If you search for dab.t, you will find instances of dabit and dabat. If you search for dab..t, you will find instances of dabunt and dabant.
- If you want to search for specific word forms, you can indicate alternatives between brackets, separated by |. For example: If you want to search for pacis or pacem, you insert pac(is|em) in the search field.
- You can further define a search without word boundaries by indicating how many letters may follow the search term. To do this, you add \w{min, max} to your search term in the search field. For example, if you search for pac\w{1,4}, you will find all word forms with minimum 1 character and maximum 4 characters following pac, including pace and pacibus.