Donnini, Piero


Not much is currently known about Piero Donnini (b. 1899). He taught literature at the Reale Liceo-Ginnasio “D. Cotugno” in Aquila. He published essays and books on philosophy and classical literature, including a monograph on Greek tragedy (Donnini 1925), as well as annotated editions and translations of classical Greek authors, including Pindar, Plato, Sophocles, and Epictetus. During the ventennio fascista, he translated part of La Guerra d’Etiopia by Marshal Pietro Badoglio, Supreme Chief of the Italian General Staff, into Latin (Donnini 1938).



Latin texts

Donnini, Piero. 1938. De bello Aethiopico. Based on Pietro Badoglio, La Guerra d’Etiopia (con prefazione del Duce) (Milan: Mondadori, 1936). Naples: Supergrafica.


Other work (selection)

Donnini, Piero. 1925. La tragedia greca. Aquila: Vecchioni.

Han Lamers