Quattrone, Francesco


Francesco Quattrone was a cleric in the Roman Catholic Church and a Latin poet. He served the Church in a variety of functions: he was, among other things, Priest in Nasiti (a province of Reggio Calabria), Honorary Canon of the Cathedral in Reggio Calabria, and Dean and Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Reggio Calabria. At the Seminary of Reggio Calabria he moreover took part in both teaching and administration. For his services to the Church, he gained the honorary title of Monsignor. Quattrone authored a number of Latin works, both poetry and prose. Judging from the positive reviews by his contemporaries, Quattrone’s Latin works seem to have been well-received (Quattrone 1935: 272-309). Little else is known about his life.




Latin texts

Quattrone, Francesco. 1892. Iuvenile speciem carminum Latinorum: Carmen, Elegiae, Odae Sapphicae, Epigrammata. Genoa: Juventutis.

———. 1898. Nova carmina: Elegiae. Ecloga. Interpretationes. Epigrammata. Genoa: Juventutis.

———. 1918. Tomarmorimon: carmen can. Francisci Quattroniii [Francesco Quattrone]. Reggio Calabria: Ex Officina Typographica Francesci Morello.

———.1930. De Vergilio et fascium regimine oratio habita pro Virgilio commemorando in sacro Ephebeo regino a.d. XII Kal. Junias an. MDCCCXXX. Rhegii Julii: Ex Officina Typogr. Opera Antoniana.

———. 1936. Opera omnia. Rhegii Julii: Ex Officina Typographica Francesci Morello.


Secondary sources

Canfora, Luciano. 1985. ‘Fascismo e bimillenario della nascita di Virgilio’. In Enciclopedia Virgiliana, edited by Francesco Della Corte, 2:469–72. Roma: Istituto della enciclopedia italiana.


Foss, Clive. 1998. ‘Augustus and the Poets in Mussolini’s Rome’. In Style and Tradition. Studies in Honor of Wendell Clausen, edited by Peter Knox and Clive Foss, 306–25. Beiträge Zur Altertumskunde 92. Stuttgart: Teubner.


Nelis, Jan. 2011. From Ancient to Modern. The Myth of Romanità during the Ventennio Fascista: The Written Imprint of Mussolini’s Cult of the ‘Third Rome’. Brussels and Rome: Belgisch Historisch Instituut te Rome.


Ricchieri, Tommaso. 2016. ‘Il poeta dell’Impero e dei campi: le celebrazioni del bimellenario virgiliano nel 1930’. Studi storici: rivista trimestrale dell’Istituto Gramsci 57 (2): 237–66.


Nelleke Koornstra