Centonze, Vito
Not much is currently known about Vito
Centonze. He was a priest and high school teacher of classics. During his career,
he wrote educational material on Roman literature for upper secondary schools.
Furthermore, he composed two long Latin poems in Sapphic stanzas, praising Benito
Mussolini and Pietro Badoglio, a general who had played a central role
in the occupation of Ethiopia and Libya, respectively. More research on Centonze
is needed.
Centonze, Vito. 1938a. Carmen de Petri Badoglio laudibus
militaribus: strofa saffica minore. Palo del Colle: Tip. Andriola.
———. 1938b. Carmen Duci dicatum. Ragusa: Tipografia Impero.
———. 1940. Storia della letteratura romana ad uso dei licei e degli
Istituti magistrali. Bari: Arti grafiche Macri.
Erlend Myklebust