Monti, Alessandro


Not much is currently known about Alessandro Monti (1862–1937). He was an Italian Jesuit priest who wrote several long hexameter-poems, among them De arte volandi (Monti 1925), as well as an introduction to Italian history to be used in high schools (Monti 1922). Furthermore, he was an avid writer of church history and published about Francis of Assisi and the Jesuit order. He is not to be confused with the Alessandro Monti who wrote on the origins of Spanish Fascism (1933)



Latin texts

Monti, Alessandro. 1922. Breve storia d’Italia ad uso delle scuole. Torino: G. B. Petrini.

———. 1925. De arte volandi: versi. Cuneo: Tip. Provinciale N. Menzio.

———. 1933. De arte volandi ; de Isthmo panamico perfosso ; de aquae ductu Apulo ; ad Polum versus : carmina. Cuneo: Typographia provinciali Natalis Menzio.

———. 1936. “Pomptinae paludes exsiccatae.” Alma Roma 23 (4): 57–59.


Secondary literature

Sacré, Dirk. 2020. “Die neulateinische Literatur in Mussolinis Italien.” In Studies in the Latin Literature and Epigraphy of Italian Fascism, edited by Han Lamers, Bettina Reitz-Joosse, and Valerio Sanzotta, 13–50. Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia 46. Leuven: Leuven University Press.


Erlend Myklebust